JRA Calls on Top Eventer Boyd Martin for Ex-Racehorse Clinic

Published 01/01/2024

January 2, 2024

Japan – At no time has the issue of welfare within the horseracing industry been more of an important topic, and that includes what happens to horses beyond their racing careers. Encouragingly, there is much work being done around the world to ensure that retired racehorses are homed and utilised in a range of ways, from being companion horses through to competing at the highest level in other disciplines. 

With a leaning towards the latter option, the Japan Racing Association (JRA) hosted a clinic with leading event rider Boyd Martin in the week before Christmas.

Based in America since 2007, the Australian-born Martin recently collected his seventh Rider of the Year Award from the United States Eventing Association. Along with competing all over the world, he has been a regular visitor to Japan, where the three-day clinic included tuition and advice in cross-country, showjumping and dressage. Held in conjunction with Godolphin’s Lifetime Care programme, the programme also featured guest appearances from top jockeys Christophe Lemaire and Hiroshi Kitamura to discuss the versatility of the Thoroughbred.

“It’s been absolutely brilliant,” Martin told TDN as the clinic wrapped up. “This is the fourth time we’ve done this clinic and it’s awesome coming out to Japan, working with all the Japanese riders with a lot of retired racehorses. There were 36 horses here at the clinic and we were lucky enough to use the venue where the Tokyo Olympics were held, right in the centre of the city.”

The work did not all take place in the saddle, however, with classroom sessions supplementing the ridden phases in the arena. A number of the riders in attendance were repeat visitors from previous clinics, and one former attendee now works for Martin as the head rider at his stable in Pennsylvania.

Read the full story here on Thoroughbred Daily News.